Thursday, March 15, 2007

Happy birthday to Annababy early!

Here is Katie (looking very much like her aunt (yours truly:)) and taking a break from making her little sis's birthday cake. Next is the birthday girl in her mommy's arms. Then is the princess eating her very first birthday cupcake (long story) while her wonderful big brother lights her very first candle. Here is where we skip over to the Haley family for a picture of our perfect little newest addition Navy Grace. Betsy is making fishy lips behind Anndee and Navy Grace in the next photo, and then Anndee Kate is sitting on a bench to rest a little (and look cute in the process). Last, but not at all least, is Kevin. Isn't he as handsome as his sisters are pretty?!
I'm pretty sure that I got everyone (minus my brothers in law and a picture of Mom and Dad alone) in the immediate family in this post along with the previous one. I hope so! Much love to all!!!

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