Monday, April 02, 2007

Did you know???

Did you know that when you plug a camera (or mine) into a computer (or just my computer) the noise, you know, da da, that it makes, is the interval of a perfect fifth? It's an ascending fifth whenever you turn the camera on, then descending when it goes off (fyi). I'm waiting on my pictures to load (up or down, whichever it is), and just thought you all might be interested in knowing that little piece of information. Aside from all, of my, badly, used, commas...etc. Ok, I'm tired and can't concentrate on studying so I'm putting some pics on here then going to bed so I can get up REALLY early. Nighty night : )!
P.S. Think S-P-R-I-N-G!

1 comment:

Deb Fields said...

A perfect fifth? Very interesting!

Hey, the Charles Swindoll Bible has really good stuff for the book of Ruth. FYI

xoxoxoxoxoxo I love you Mom