Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The University: A Visual

Well, the uploady thingy wouldn't let me put any more pictures on here (I think it secretly doesn't like Wagner), so here are the ones I had before it decided to be contrary. My favorite ones are actually some of the ones I couldn't add, but these are good also. Being completely honest, I know that they just look like buildings, but I think they are neat anyways. The first is one of a series that I took. All of the windows of that building have composer's names concreted above the windows. I think it is rather awe inspiring.
The picture that I think is next is actually cut off, but it is the top of the door that I go in and out of several times a day. The next is my favorite bench. The crosswalk in the sidewalk in front the bench (try to figure that out!) is made of brick, and it makes a staff with darker brick. There are also notes that do not spell out a song that I can tell. Pretty neat.
Next is just a stairwell going into the hallway, going into the library.
The water fountain is in front of the building I have almost all of my classes in, and it is also the music library. I think it's pretty.
The glass windows are the front of the MAC (Music Arts Center).
Last but not least is my harp in it's temporary house, and the music to the Nutcracker Suite Cadenza that I have to have memorized in a week.
I hope all is going well with everyone. I will talk to you all later.
Good night to all, and to all a good night!

1 comment:

Betsy said...

wowzeers! One week? Better you than me! I like the pictures and can't wait till you put up more! Have a good day tomorrow!!!