Friday, November 03, 2006

Oh Deer!

Well, I knew it would happen eventually, but not quite so soon! Unc. Brad shot a deer tonight. I hate to admit it, but since he doesn't even know I have a blog, I can safely say that I prayed from the bottom of my heart that it wouldn't happen while I was here. Over Thanksgiving break, Christmas break...anytime but now! I know that is selfish of me, but both God and I know that I don't handle things like this well, in fact, I handle them VERY badly! It is dark outside now, and luckily I didn't get here until "it" was in the back yard, but I don't know what I'll do in the morning when, looking out the kitchen window, there is a deer hanging in the back yard. I have no idea how long the process takes, but I've been warned that he does every nastly little thing. Not only does he cut the poor animal to shreads, but he does it...are you ready for this??? He does it in the kitchen. I can't get into to the downstairs without either going through the kitchen, or the back yard. I LOATHE this!!!

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