Saturday, September 16, 2006

Nearly Nothing New

I don't really have any new pictures, or really anything to say, so I thought I would add two things I really like that I see every day. The first is the painting that I hated when I first brought it home, then liked it a little more after Mom and I framed it. Now you can't really see what it is, but I really like it next to that lamp. It's the painting of a picture Dad took of a house on a roadside in Switzerland.

The second is a Willow Tree that Mom gave me as a g0ing away present. Isn't she pretty???

1 comment:

Betsy said...

I haven't been on here much to comment cause I figured you were busy with mom being there and all. Are we going to have new pictures to look at??? hmmm????

How did this week go? How was the opra? Did you do what I told you and dress all fancy foo foo??? hee heee.... i bet you did!! j/k!
Have fun spending a few extra days with mommydearwumz!